Your adult contact, hookups and fuck buddies friends have to work harder while keeping discrete, but of course, it is well worth it. Whether you are running a dizzy or need to keep your adult activities secret, there are some things to make sure that you will not be able to hold red hands.
Tip 1: Turn off text message notifications on your phone
Before I jump into this tip, I hope all of you keep a passcode (or unlock fingerprint if you have a new iPhone) to stop someone else to stop accessing your phone so far Know for Considering your phone, theĀ passcode protected is preserved, yet it is a good thing to take care of it.
Many phones (Android and iPhone) will display a recent unread text message on your home / unlock screen. This is a big problem because the interested people (or sex partners) can quickly pick up their phones and read these texts directly from the home screen without unlocking the phone.
To stop this, go to your phone settings -> text message settings and close the home screen update. If you are fooling many colleagues, then it is important for your long-term success.
Yes, often, your colleagues may have an understanding of the contingency nature of your relationship, but at other times they will not be. And to take some basic precautions, it is easy to expect to hide one of those misleading truths, while red hands should be cured and understood when caught.
Casual robbery call text messages can strike at any time of the day, but they often come at the wrong moments. Make sure your phone does not display unread messages on the Home screen, and you will thank yourself later.
Tip 2: Save the contact under fake names.
Suppose you have a very good relationship with Ashley, but you are also having a comfortable sex with Courtney. Although your first instinct can never save the phone number of the Courtney in your phone, it will ever be a mistake – and that is why except for an unsaved ten-digit phone number in the text history, just speculation and distrust The best thing to do in such a situation is to invite the Courtney to save under the name “safe”, such as “from work to Mike” or to one of your best friend’s names. In this way, if prying eyes ever see a text message, then you have a simple excuse. When the text message directs you to your straight working friend “Mike”, you can always leave it as a joke or some part of that nature.
“In the text history, simply inviting speculation and disbelief about an unsaved ten-digit phone number.”
Tip 3: Use your work phone
For those people who can not ruin your current relationship or marriage due to loot calls, fuck buddy friends, you will need to take the final precaution – using two phones. Many professionals already have a private phone and a work phone, however, if you do not already have one, choose a cheap blackberry or Android phone that will now have your “work” phone your spouse will not know the difference , And having two phones will give you the last flexibility to keep your adult contacts private, then you can save any fuck buddy friend under the fake, profane name, and get rid of your home screen The need to hide the texts. Suppose you take these precautions, you should be 100% safe from being caught in any disturbances.
Use those three tips, and you will never get caught through your phone or text history. I want it to be easy, but you said it – pimpy is not easy. Well, you have it, people, it’s not easy, because if this happens, then all people are doing it. For more tips on how to manage adult contacts, no strings are attached sex partners, and to fuck buddies friends, see our tips and tricks given below.