Do you travel a ton? Are you always on the road and find it difficult to have a relationship because of it? Do you want to find lasting love with the people you come into contact with on your travels? It’s quite possible to find a solid and fun relationship while you travel with a little work and determination. The dating world is a difficult one, no matter how you slice it up. It’s not guaranteed that you will find someone — but there are some easy steps you can take to help increase your chances of finding a girlfriend or boyfriend that can last a lifetime. Get started with these quick and easy tips to getting acclimated to dating as you travel here at

Tip #1: Start a Conversation
The first step to a great date is starting a conversation. Practice starting conversations with people ahead of your travels. It starts with a short conversation of small talk. You’ll be surprised how easy it is to continue talking to someone when you find easy and natural connections. So practice your conversational skills now. When you go out to a restaurant, challenge yourself to strike up a conversation with your waiter or bartender. At your hotel, practice small talk with the front desk staff. If you’re out and about in the city wherever you are traveling, practice talking to random strangers on the street. This may indeed be easier for people who are a little more extroverted, but with time, even introverts can learn to navigate small talk well.
Tip #2: Hang Out at the Hot Spots
Whenever you land in a new city, ask around to learn about the restaurants, bars and event places that you’ll need to check out. You want to ask locals for the best places because they know where to go. And you want to go to these local hot spots not only for your cultural development – especially if you’re only going to be in the city for a short amount of time – but because at these spots, you’ll find more people to talk to throughout the day and into the night.
Tip #3: Be Inquisitive and Genuinely Interested
Many people can sniff out people who are playing the field and who aren’t genuinely interested in getting to know a person. So don’t be that person. If you want to be a person who attracts a lasting, solid relationship, then you have to be willing to be truly interested in the other person. That speaks volumes. Ask more questions than you answer. Be inquisitive about the other person’s life, family, culture, passions, and ambitions. Try to form lasting bonds of connection in the amount of time you have. You’ll feel better about the start of the relationship – and better about how you present yourself as a person and date.
Tip #4: Be Kind
If you want a kind person, be a kind person. This type of attitude is a key to successful dating as stated by Rachel MacLynn. This is especially important to remember when you are traveling – as many things can go every wrong as you travel from one city to another. So make efforts to practice compassion with everyone you meet. You’ll not only feel better about your actions, but you’ll be preparing yourself for interacting with potential love interests. They’ll notice your attention to the heart and their heart very quickly because it will become part of your (nearly) natural way of being.
Tip #5: Learn to Recognize Natural Connection
One mistake many people can make while dating while traveling is not recognizing natural connection when it is there. It is easy to get wrapped up in the emotions of a whirlwind romance, but that’s also something to pay attention to. If you can meet someone and talk long into the night, there’s physical and intellectual chemistry perhaps you should be paying attention to. As you meet people on your travels, learn to recognize when you are drawn to a particular person over another. Keep this in the back of your mind as you date, as with practice, you’ll get better at recognizing it so you don’t waste your time.
Tip #6: Be Respectful
Especially when you are traveling abroad or to other domestic cities – you need to remember to respect other people and their cultures. It’s very common for Western travelers to think they know the best way because of all the conveniences and ways of doing things in the United States. But it isn’t respectful to super-impose your way of life onto another person’s and to assume that a person’s life and way of being is backward. Now you may not outwardly or show this. That’s why it’s something that you’ll need to practice and to pay attention to. The more respectful you can be of another person’s culture, especially in Asia, the more the people around you will appreciate and respect you.
Tip #7: Know When to Move On
Listen, the bottom line is that you are not going to click with everyone — no matter how much you pride yourself on being the person who can talk to anyone. Everyone has something another person finds annoying, and it’s up to you both to figure out your thresholds and what your deal breakers are. You cannot change people. Remember that and tell it to yourself often! Know when to cut your losses and move on. Life is too short to stay with a person who is entirely wrong for you. This can happen easily when traveling.
You don’t want to become enamored with someone and find yourself flying back and forth to his or her city on trips – when ultimately, you know that person is not for you deep down inside. Pay attention to all of these tips above, and use these seven core tips as your dating toolbox when traveling. You’ll find that over time, each of these seven tips builds on the other to make you more self-aware and the kind of person that other people do want to date.
Bonus Tip: Use Online Apps
Finally, while you are traveling, don’t be ashamed to download the most popular dating apps in the city where you will be spending some time. Domestically, you may have luck with dating apps such as eHarmony, Match, and Tinder. There is a hierarchy of dating apps. eHarmony long as been known as a more “serious,” dating app – as it is a closed network and matches singles based upon a personality test. The match is also another good networking site, but you do have to be open to having your profile public.
That means that even if you aren’t a account holder, anyone can open up the Match site online and they may see your profile. Tinder long has been known as a dating app for Millenials, but that doesn’t mean you cannot use it if you’re out of that age bracket. Simply ask around or check it out for yourself to see if you are finding singles who are in your age range/stage of life. You never know until you try. Click here to read how to successfully use Tinder.
Now, a note on international travel: If you are going abroad, make sure you check in with locals or do your research ahead of time to see if singles are using those apps or if there is a better app you should try for the duration of your time in a city. You’ll waste less of your time and be in the know by just asking a few simple questions.
In conclusion, don’t give up if you don’t find someone in the first city you travel to — especially is you’re a travel bug for work or pleasure. It takes time to find the right person, and you are doing your due diligence by taking your time and by being open to the dating process as it evolves. You may be disappointed and frustrated at times. But you also just may find love!
By following these quick and easy seven dating tips, you’ll be on your way to searching and even finding love while you travel. It’s important to remember that dating is never an easy process. It takes work. And it takes sincerity. If you approach dating while you travel as an opportunity to meet like-minded individuals that you appreciate and can have a natural connection with, then you’ll be in a much more healthy state of mind and will have more realistic expectations. Take it one step at a time, be culturally sensitive, and appreciate the people you meet throughout your travels. Good luck and we hope you find amazing love while you travel!